The Romulan Free State Welcomes You!

The Artifact is a disabled Borg Cube that was abandoned in Romulan space by the Borg Collective in the late 24th century and later captured by the Romulan Free State.

Latest Mission Posts
» Into the Woods
Mission: 01- The Romulan Free State Welcomes You
Posted on Mon Oct 30th, 2023 @ 7:23pm by Colonel Vaebn
The light from distant stars reflected on the hull of the Imperial Romulan Warbird Nanclus.
Major Korin stood from his command seat and peered around his bridge. Having only taken command of the vessel earlier that day, he had come to the conclusion that Nanclus certainly was a fine ship.…
» One Small Step... (Part One)
Mission: 00-Yut Makh aka The Closing
Posted on Wed Sep 27th, 2023 @ 5:45pm by Colonel Vaebn
IRW Nanclus
The Valdore class warbird seemed to glide as it moved. It was certainly a sight to behold.
"Report." Colonel Vaebn called from his seat in the center of the Warbird's bridge. The ship had only just dropped out of warp and decloaked.
"Borg Cube, ahead 33 mark 01,…
» And Then...Silence
Mission: 00-Yut Makh aka The Closing
Posted on Tue Jul 11th, 2023 @ 9:21pm by Colonel Vaebn
The interior of the cube was like any other. Humid, dark, illuminated by an ominous green glow. Drone moves slowly across metal catwalks and through corridors going about their work as 'ordered' by the Queen.
Three of Twelve stood in at a rather large station, their function was to identify…