Departments & Positions

  • Command (The Romulan Reclamation Site)

    The Command Department is made up of those officers deemed to be in the day-to-day control of operations and personnel.

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  • Scientific Research (The Romulan Reclamation Site)

    Responsible for all the scientific data the warbird collects, and the distribution of such data to specific section within the department for analysis. They are also responsible with providing the ship's captain with scientific information needed for command decisions.

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  • Medical Sciences (The Romulan Reclamation Site)

    Responsible for the physical health of the entire crew, but does more than patch up injured crew members. Their function is to ensure that they do not get sick or injured to begin with, and to this end monitors their health and conditioning with regular check ups. If necessary, the Leader of Medical Sciences can remove anyone from duty, excluding the Commander. Besides this they available to provide medical advice to any individual who requests it. Additionally the Seniors of the 3 bracnhes of Medical Sciences as well as the Leader of the Department are also responsible for all aspect of the medical deck, such as the Medical labs, Surgical suites, Psychiatric treatment areas.

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  • Research & Development (The Romulan Reclamation Site)

    This department is of an oddity only found within the Romulan Star Empire. The entire purpose of this department is to take alien technology (e.g. Starfleet) and backwards engineer it and to create something similiar to the original but allowing it to be compatible with other Romulan Technologies.

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  • Communications Control (The Romulan Reclamation Site)

    Monitors any and all transmissions aboard the warbird, as well as externally. Communications Officers are experienced linguist, proficient in many different languages.

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